Can anyone explain why Kanye West is so popular?
I consume tons of music and am not shy of admitting my love for pop songs, but I have never really understood the craze with Kanye
West. One constantly sees Kanye news and he is clearly a highly influential individual, perhaps especially because of his public antics.
But one thing I do not understand is why he is considered this musical genius. Kanye West is constantly referenced in pop culture as
this great musician and how he produces so high quality stuff. I have listened to many of his hits, like Jesus Walks, Gold Digger,
Diamonds, etc. But I they seem to be average songs at best. The rap is not very interesting, many songs seem to be remakes of older
songs. Runaway is probably the best one I can find, but the singing is not what makes it memorable.
Not going to go into an analysis of his songs, but I just don’t get it. I have read articles written by people answering this or promoting
his songs they make no sense, just basically saying the song is great and how it reflects on something in Kanye’s life.
Is it because of his personality? Whenever I see him in interviews he comes across as extremely unlikeable, and clearly has some
serious issues.
I am not American, maybe that is part of why I do not get it, but if anyone who likes Kanye is out there, I would love to hear what it is
that gets you interested? What are your favorite songs? I am really curious to get this, I feel completely out of the loop.
EDIT: Wow, what a response! I really got a lot out of this thread so far, reading every comment. Posted some of the best
recommendations in a comment and my personal takeaways.